Variations in handmade rugs are inevitable and contribute to the aesthetic of each piece. Color shifts, size differences up to four percent and shedding do not qualify for return. Custom rugs are not eligible for return unless defective.


Please inspect your package completely before accepting your shipment. If your package is damaged upon receipt, refuse delivery and notify us immediately. Describe the issue and send photos of the damage. If damage is noted after you have accepted delivery, you must notify us within 48 hours and send photos. We will investigate and take appropriate action to resolve the issue. Transit damage can only be claimed if a package was torn or opened prior to receipt.


Signed approvals for each stage of custom production are meant to ensure a rug will match the desired outcome, so there should be no cause for replacement based on design. Manufacturing defects may qualify for return if reported within 48 hours of receipt and approved for repair or replacement. You must submit written documentation and pay for return shipping on a prepaid freight basis. We will fix or remake your rug as determined by our production team.